Rum raisin truffles recipe

This delicious truffles recipe is simple to make. Recipes for additional flavors are explained as well.

Rum Raisin Truffle Recipe:

Truffes au rhum et aux raisins secs

Ingredients (for about 11/2 pounds):

1 cup Crème Fraîche (or heavy cream)
14 oz. Dark Chocolate (use very high quality, 70% cocoa, chocolate - or very high quality unsweetened baking chocolate.)
8 oz. Additional Dark Chocolate
11/2 cups Cocoa Powder (the highest quality you can find)
1 cup Raisins
1/2 cup Rum
3 tbsp. Butter (optional)

How to Make It:

Batter (Ganache):

1. Soak raisins in the rum in a small bowl for 2 hours. Make sure that the rum covers the raisins.
2. Drain raisins and absorb extra liquid by wrapping them briefly in a paper towel.
3. Break chocolate into small pieces and put in a large bowl.
4. Bring cream slowly to a light boil.
5. Pour boiling cream over chocolate and keep stirring until all the chocolate has melted and the batter is homogenous.
6. Stir raisins into warm ganache.
7. If you want to add butter, do so now, before the batter cools, and thickens.

This batter is called Ganache and is the base for all French chocolate truffle recipes!

When the ganache is warm it is very creamy. You can thicken it
1. by whisking it (the oxygen causes it to thicken) or
2. by putting it in the refrigerator.

You want the ganache to be just thick enough to easily form the truffle balls…

Forming Truffles:

1. Using two spoons (or a baking sac) form even and round balls. Place them on parchment or wax paper.
2. Melt the rest of the chocolate in a bain-marie (double-boiler).
3. Dip each ball in the melted chocolate and then roll it in the coffee powder.

Serving Ideas:

If you prefer to make this rum raisin truffles recipe with milk chocolate, go right ahead and substitute using the same quantities.

To see the full index for our French chocolate truffle recipes, please click here.

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Enjoy this lovely rum raisin truffles recipe! And… Bon Appétit!